Thanks Chris and Jen,
I’d kinda got the feeling when looking at what was succeeding vs failing on the various platforms that the nebulous ideas without a product were really struggling. The big successes, like you said Jen, had tangible rewards to offer. I certainly wouldn’t go into without those tangible rewards but honestly, I don’t have the time.
If Kerry, my wife, wasn’t working full time and could take this on, or we could do it together then sure, we’d delve deeper. However I am so caught up with production, and pigs escaping, the cow’s on heat, the rabbits have coccidiosis etc, etc.
I also think that really you only get one chance too, to fail at a crowdfunding project would be hard to bounce back from.
Thanks for the input and I’ll have a gander at that Organic Investment group later today when I get all my ‘ducks’ in a tow.